
Entertainment Tax Advisors, LLC (“ETA”) is a multidisciplinary professional consulting firm focused on providing tax planning solutions and asset protection services to professional athletes and entertainers in the United States.  The firm consists of more than 40 tax attorneys and CPAs providing customized, integrated tax planning incorporating these areas:

  • Duty Day Allocation / State Nexus
  • Reciprocity Evaluation
  • Signing Bonus Analysis
  • Deduction Review
  • State Tax Credits
  • Asset Protection
  • Business Structuring
  • Estate Tax Planning

ETA’s expertise is tax planning and research, rather than tax return preparation, and ETA’s professionals incorporate recent and pending legislative changes, as well as cutting-edge planning techniques, in providing tax planning advice to our clients. ETA originally began as a division within Strategic Tax Advisors, Inc., an international tax planning firm for small and medium sized business owners, but was spun-off in 2000 to focussolely on professional athletes and entertainers.  This single-minded focus allows an in-depth knowledge of the unique tax situation facing professional athletes and extensive experience in providing strategies for athletes to dramatically reduce taxes and protect their personal assets from lawsuits and claims.